Wednesday, 21 November 2007

End of Season Races

Relentless 24

Made the trip to Bonnie Scotland in Oct there for the Relentless 24! Was good craic and all the rest! The course was fun and was mostly based on the World xc course totalling 10.2 miles in length and 1500ft of climbing a lap!

The race went ok! started well and did ok until the night stage where I started to wane a bit!around 6 in the morn my bed looked a bit to comfy so after 18.5 hrs and 16laps I clocked off and went back to the B&B! Ended up in 3rd so was happyenough with that!

Cyclogay Races

Ahh the annual Cyclocross season is upon us and luckly there is also a mtb race at all Irish Cyclocrosses thank god!

I ve done two of these races so far, Both in October ended up 3rd in both of them so was happy with that! Feckin Roadies beat me to! :( aw well least they wer good craic and up for the laugh! apart from 1 of them, YOU KNOW WHO U ARE LOL!!!

Was good to see me mate Paul 'P DIDDY' Mc Menamin winning 2 of the races and getting 2nd in the others dam good result old bean and all DONE in THE BESTTT POSIHABLE TASTEEE!

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