Wednesday, 16 April 2008

K Capital Round 3 Djouce Woods

K Capital Round 3 was held on the 6th of April in the now famous location of Djouce Woods in Wicklow, which is incidentially just down the road from the site of round 1!

The course was a mixture of some traditional features knowen to many, such as XTC and GC with the inclusion of some really new wicked sections. On such was a really off camber peice of singletrack just after XTC which led out onto an open mountain traverse, another such inclusion from last years NPS course was a roling 50ft drop in to a river, which had to be crossed! In all the course was great!

Run Ye C**T Ye lol!

The race went quite weel for me as I managed a 4th posotion, my first result im really happy with this season! I hope to repeat this 4th.

The first lap went off quite fast, and I wasnt able to follow the 4 guys in front as I didnt seem to have a good sprint or acceleration after the flu ive had, but I was able to ride at a fast consistant pace! My laps where all fairly consistant so I was able to pass people who started too fast, which brung a smile to my face!
One of the more promising things I took away from this weekend was I now have the confidance to attack a climb, and I also know my endurance is spot on as I could have gone another hour at race pace! Time for an endurance race I think!

On The 50ft Rolling Drop Into The River Crossing (Its steeper than it looks)

Stuck In The River Crossing!

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