The basic story line is Toms carachter has to find his way through life to find his inner talents and unleash them to the world - these are in the form of annimations! Throughout the film there is so many litle gags its hard to identify which one is the funniest!
Overall its an 9 outa ten in my book for just being different!
Van Wilder
This is another University comedy, its quite funny. Basically it follows a hip Alpha male student named Van Wilder, Van finds out that his really rich father has stopped his collage funds and wont pay for his 7th term at uni as he believes Van is wasting his time! Van then takes matters into his own hands and starts his own business Van Wilder Party Lasison! Pretty self explanitry!
Wilst all this is going on Tara Reids carachter, who plays a journlist is assigned to do an article on Vans party hero status, and in turn ends up falling in love with him much to the dismay of her current boyfriend who could best be descrided as a tit!
Its a good movie and well worth the watch 8 outa 10, though I hear Van Wilder 2 is better, so have to get the mitts on that!

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